Summary of Step 1 and Step 2: C# Basics

Step 1: Your First C# Program – “Hello, World!”

In the first step, you learned how to write your very first C# program. The program prints the text “Hello, World!” on the screen. This introduced you to the basic structure of a C# program, including:

  • using System;: A statement that gives your program access to useful tools.
  • class Program { ... }: The class is like a blueprint for your program.
  • static void Main(): The Main method is where the program starts executing.
  • Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");: A command that tells the computer to display the text “Hello, World!” on the screen.

This step helped you understand how C# programs are structured and how you can display messages on the console.

Step 2: Variables and Data Types

In Step 2, you learned about variables and data types, which allow you to store and work with information in your programs. Key concepts include:

  • Variables: These are like containers that store data. For example:

    string playerName = “Alice”;
    int playerAge = 12;

    • In this case, playerName is a variable that stores the text “Alice”, and playerAge stores the number 12.

    • Data Types: Every variable has a specific type that defines what kind of data it can hold:

      • string: Used for text (e.g., “Alice”).
      • int: Used for whole numbers (e.g., 12).
      • bool: Used for true/false values (e.g., true or false).
      • double: Used for decimal numbers (e.g., 3.14).

    You also practiced using variables in a program, such as:

Console.WriteLine("Player Name: " + playerName);
Console.WriteLine("Player Age: " + playerAge);

This helped you understand how to store information and display it, and how diffe

Key Takeaways:

  • In Step 1, you learned how to display text on the screen with a simple C# program.
  • In Step 2, you learned how to use variables to store and display information, and explored basic data types like string, int, bool, and double.

rent data types work in C#.

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